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Cultural Fabric

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A popular event that has sparked controversy in the media regarding cultural appropriation is the annual music and arts festival known as Coachella. Every year when Coachella rolls around, it brings with it a wave of “hipsters” who use the event as an excuse to wear whatever they want no matter how offensive it may be. 


Coachella is a huge event and many celebrities are in attendance every year and a lot of them received backlash for the things that they wore to the event. Vanessa Hudgens was wearing a bindi, a decorative marking worn by Indian women on their forehead, which angered a lot of those Indian women who are treated badly for simply wearing something that has significance to their own culture. Vanessa Hudgens being as famous and influential as she is, sparked a trend throughout society, going to show how much more careful celebrities need to be when it comes to cultural and societal appropriation. 


If my blog post interested you, you might want to look into these articles and books:

Is Your Halloween Costume Racist?


If you are debating on whether or not to buy that new costume, but aren’t sure if it would count as culturally appropriate or just plain racist, you probably shouldn’t get it if you have to doubt it in the first place. But, if you just want to read more of the topic, check this blog post out.

The introduction of Princess Jalicia brought to light the debate on whether the Disney corporation is a good influence on the youth of America or not. My most recent blog post tackled the topic of cultural appropriation and Disney. But in the past, Disney’s media has also been accused of promoting gender stereotypes and racism. 


Walt Disney once said, "I think of a child's mind as a blank book. During the first years of his life, much will be written on the pages. The quality of that writing will affect his life profoundly." If this is true, are Disney movies, shows, and books really what we should be introducing our children to? That is the question this piece of literature looks into.

From Mouse to Mermaid: The Politics of Film, Gender, and Culture is a collection of essays that analyze Disney media through the feminist lens, Marxist lens, and many more perspectives. This piece of literature strips Disney movies clean of their charming facade and uses critical thinking to reveal the concerning messages underneath. 

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